Senator Andrew Zwicker
Scientist, Innovator
Public Servant

About Andrew
Andrew Zwicker is a scientist and educator at Princeton University’s Plasma Physics Laboratory. As your Senator, Andrew works to find sensible solutions to improve our quality of life today and for future generations. He uses evidence to author legislation that creates high-quality jobs, fosters innovation, combats climate change and protects a woman’s right to choose. He and his wife Barbara, an elementary school educator, live in Kingston where they raised three children and one pitbull-boxer mix named Rocky.
Serving the 16th District
The heart of Central Jersey
4 Counties
14 Municipalities
Panel to Address Keeping New Jersey’s Laws Fair and Inclusive
By: PrincetonInfo
As the new year approaches and, with it, a new presidential administration and shifting ...
Sen. Zwicker Slams Iran ‘Mothership’ Claims, Urges Calm Amid NJ Drone Mystery
By: Sarah Salvadore
SOUTH BRUNSWICK, NJ — Sen. Andrew Zwicker (NJ-16) on Friday slammed Rep. Jeff Van ...