Authorizes local governments to provide voluntary contributions to certain nonprofit veterans' organizations.
Establishes Veterans State Government Fellowship program.
Exempts raw, unprocessed honey from DOH cottage food regulations.
Provides that crime of official misconduct involving disclosure of domestic violence or sexual assault victim's personal information is second degree crime.
Permits court to order counseling for children in households with domestic violence in appropriate cases.
Specifies that emergency, transitional, and permanent housing for victim of domestic violence would be funded by "Domestic Violence Victims' Fund."
Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in, and requires divestment from, companies involved in production or maintenance of nuclear weapons.
Authorizes creation of Juneteenth commemorative license plates.
Expressly allows health care professionals located outside New Jersey to provide services using telemedicine and telehealth to patients in New Jersey.
Grants children places in resource family care right to have certain signage displayed in home.
Authorizes home care for individuals who are disabled or elderly and requires health insurance coverage therefor.
Grants child placed in resource family care right to be notified when new caseworker is assigned to child.