Princeton Celebrates Historic 10 Years Of Consolidation
September 29, 2023

PRINCETON, NJ — It was celebration time in Princeton on Thursday, as the Municipality commemorated the 10th anniversary of the consolidation of the former Borough and Township.


The event was attended by residents, local officials, and community leaders. The celebration recognized a decade’s worth of achievements that have redefined Princeton.

“This wasn’t simply a blending of borders, but an act that forged a stronger, more vibrant Princeton,” said Councilwoman Michelle Pirone Lambros.


She noted that before consolidation, the Borough and Township faced challenging circumstances as they struggled to meet the quality of service required by a growing Princeton.

“The work that was done to make the dream of one Princeton a reality continues to be built on today. Building on this success, we will continue to set ambitious goals related to economic strength, climate resiliency, and social equity. We hope that Princeton will continue to be a model for other municipalities across New Jersey who can realize the advantages of consolidation,” Pirone Lambros said.


“To celebrate our consolidation today is to not let it fade away as a historic footnote. Together, as one community, we will continue to preserve the unique character and history of Princeton. What the Transition Task Force, Consolidation Commission, and prior Governing Bodies accomplished was undeniably exceptional. Our consolidation is a testament to the extraordinary outcomes achievable when communities unite.”

Over the past 10 years, the transition to a single municipality has yielded numerous benefits for local officials, residents, and businesses in the municipality, officials said.

As a single governing body holding a single public meeting, Princeton has seen an increase in civic engagement, strategic planning, and more efficient communication with residents.

The Municipality has also reduced gross debt by nearly 20 percent and increased surplus by nearly 60 percent.


As one Municipality, Princeton adopted a “forward-thinking” infrastructural plan that includes Bicycle Mobility Plan and The Climate Action Plan to inform its future projects. They’re also addressing long overdue upgrades to sewer infrastructure, roadways, and completing multi-modal street improvements and streetscape projects.

Speaking on the occasion, Mayor Mark Freda said that Princeton took a “big leap” a decade ago to build a “stronger, unified community.”

“By uniting our two organizations, we successfully reduced our workforce by 10 percent through attrition, thus saving approximately $2 million annually in salaries alone,” Freda said.

“With a stronger united front, we have reaffirmed our commitment to visionary sustainability efforts. Through the adoption of the Climate Action Plan, we have set forth bold strategies to help Princeton become more climate resilient by preserving regional biodiversity, reducing our carbon emissions, and promoting social equity. Thank you to Sustainable Princeton for all your work in these efforts.”

Freda also praised the residents for coming together as one community.

“It was you who made us one Princeton. Day in and day out you attend the meetings, you serve on boards, and you let us know what’s important to you. So, here’s to you, Princeton, and here’s to another decade of progress.”

The event honored those who played a pivotal role in the consolidation, including members of the Transition Task Force, the Joint Consolidation Commission Study, and the first governing body of the consolidated Municipality.

Honorees received commemorative coins for their efforts in transitioning the governance and town structures.

The Princeton Council also celebrated Liz Lempert, the first Mayor of the Municipality of Princeton, with a commemorative tree planting at 400 Witherspoon, and the Police Department presented a plaque in recognition of her contributions to Princeton’s consolidation.